Based in Ayer's Cliff, Quebec, our Health Centre is bilingual, not-for-profit and community-owned; we favor a global approach aimed at offering high quality professional medical and preventive care
Our mission
To maintain and operate a not-for-profit co-operative Health Centre to provide clients with the highest quality preventative and general practice medicine, along with allied health care services, in a friendly and welcoming bilingual environment.
Our vision
We strive to be a regional leader in healthcare services focusing on illness-prevention with doctor and nursing services that will scale to the needs of the population of all ages.
Our values
We treasure self-help and taking responsibility for ourselves, caring and respect for others. We believe in democracy, equality, solidarity, equity, honesty, professionalism, confidentiality and above all openness.
Our co-op model
Co-operatives are people-centered enterprises jointly owned and democratically controlled by and for their members to realize their common socio-economic needs and aspirations. As enterprises based on values and principles, they put fairness and equality first allowing people to create sustainable enterprises that generate long-term jobs and prosperity. Members/owners vote for a co-op’s board of directors, and the board is directly accountable to its members. Co-operatives are run according to the ‘one member, one vote’ rule.
Our history
Thanks to over $400,000 in grants, donations and member support the Massawippi Valley Health Centre opened in 2015 in Ayer’s Cliff to provide high quality preventative and general practice medicine to citizens in the municipalities of the Massawippi Valley and beyond.
A feasibility study in 2011-2013 indicated a need for a rural health centre to provide primary and urgent care from both doctors and nurses in a friendly, bilingual environment to complement existing heath care services that are often difficult to access.
Registered Nurses
Allied Health Professionals
Administration team
Board of Directors
An * denotes Executive Committee Member
Michel Rodrigue
Ex officio member of the Executive Committee, President of the Massawippi Valley Foundation