Newsletters – March 2022 #15
We Work for YouUnprecedented is a word that’s been overworked these last 24 months. Nevertheless, it describes better than any other how differently we’ve all had to do our jobs.…
We Work for YouUnprecedented is a word that’s been overworked these last 24 months. Nevertheless, it describes better than any other how differently we’ve all had to do our jobs.…
Living Healthier Together -- What to do if you get COVID-19 Most people infected with the COVID-19 virus recover in about 2 weeks without special medical attention. So, in most…
Summary of 2021 Annual General Meeting The Annual General Meeting of the Centre de santé took place on October 26, 2021 via Zoom. Henry Khouri, President, introduced the Board of…
Want to Learn more about an iPad, Tablet or Laptop?The Wellness Centre is hosting in-person training in the use of an iPad, tablet, laptop or other communications device. Click to…
My first full year as President was fraught with challenges, including the full onset of the Pandemic. It ended much better than any of us could have predicted, a testament…
Fit and Healthy at Any Age!Health is one of our most valuable assets, one we often take for granted when we are young. Click to read the newsletter
As Canada takes steps to safely reopen, the National Institute of Ageing (NIA) has launched a new online tool to help you quickly assess your risk of exposure... Click to…
Our iPads are Ready! Thanks to a government grant, we have 10 iPads to lend out... Click to read the newsletter
CSVM is hosting two community projects that are funded by the Massawippi Valley Foundation (FVM)... Click to read the newsletter
We are humbled! Through your generosity, the resulting donation total of $57,500 from our Annual Appeal has far exceeded our hopes and dreams. Click to read the newsletter
Are you a senior in the area who is getting sick and tired of the restrictions that COVID 19 has put on your life? Click to read the newsletter
Centre de santé has been fortunate since its opening in 2015 to have the support of the MRC Memphremagog. Over the years, the MRC has encouraged us, sharing its intellectual…